Saturday, 21 March 2009


This is a screen print i did of my boyfriend's facial expressions for our third year show.  It makes me laugh!

This is one of six screen prints i did for a dialogue project where i used segments of a conversation between my flat mate and my boyfriend. When viewed together in a row the text flows down the pages. This was the first time i'd experimented with text as part of the image and i was really happy with the end result. 

Carson Ellis


These are some selected work of Carson Ellis. I love the use of watercolour and washes. It has a folky feel! this image on my left is my favourite but i love the life drawing too. i wonder if the model actually did that position?! 

see more beautiful work at this lovely website

Leopold Rabus

here are some of my favourite paintings of Leopold Rabus, a swiss artist. It's amazing how detailed they are yet not overcrowded. I especially love the ones with the giant toadstools in them. I like his use of white space, this is something that i think is quite an important part of my work too. You can see some more of his work at

Monday, 16 March 2009

Kate Moross

This is a piece that Kate Moross did for Lynx. I love the bright colours and the detail, especially in the hair. You can see more of her work at

Saturday, 14 March 2009

Editorial Project

We had to choose 3 articles and make 1 illustration for each. This is my final screen print for my article on how rarer breeds of birds are being seen in our back gardens due to the cold and lack of food.

I love these illustrations by Sarah King. i like how intense the typography is and the detail in the black and white drawing. She is a very talented lady. You can find her on the eveningtweed website.

some beautiful work i saw at the scottish home show in Glasgow last year. I have forgotten her name though unfortunately! these were all printed on fabric.


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